Kyle Reuther

Patent Agent
Intellectual Property




Patent Agent
Intellectual Property

Kyle Reuther assists in the drafting and prosecuting of U.S. and foreign patent applications for clients in various technology industries. He is skilled in drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications in front of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and actively manages and prosecutes several dozen US and foreign patent applications on a regular basis. Kyle works with clients at the forefront of innovation in fields such as quantum computing, quantum algorithms, optics, optical communications, augmented and virtual reality, touch screen technology, image processing, and machine learning.

While pursuing his MSc in Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics, Kyle studied turbulent flows of plasma fluids. Specifically, he studied the collisionality of plasma drift-wave turbulence in a stellarator confinement device. He also spent time as a student researcher at CEA Cadarache in France and at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague.