'Mansfield Rule' Eyes a Big Law Diversity Breakthrough

Fenwick managing partner Kathryn Fritz was quoted by The American Lawyer regarding a new initiative promoting diversity in law firms, in a story titled “‘Mansfield Rule’ Eyes a Big Law Diversity Breakthrough.”

Fenwick is one of 30 law firms partnering with Diversity Lab to pilot the Mansfield Rule, which requires that women and minorities make up at least 30 percent of a firms’ candidates for leadership and governance positions.

“It has been demonstrated again and again that diverse teams make better decisions,” Fritz said. “While we aspire to create those teams everywhere, including and especially in leadership, it is also well documented that unconscious bias clouds our best intentions. The Mansfield Rule helps us bring greater intention to our considerations and actions so that we can achieve our aspirational goal.”

This new initiative aligns with Fenwick’s longstanding commitment to diversity.

The full article is available on The American Lawyer website. The initiative is also covered in Bloomberg Law.​