Closing Time: Founder Pitches Online Menopause Care Platform

In this episode, Dr. Alicia Jackson, co-founder and CEO of Evernow, discusses the importance of women's health research and the need for improved menopause care. She shares the inspiration behind starting Evernow and the challenges faced in addressing the under-researched and underserved field of women's health. Dr. Jackson shares the founding story of Evernow, from idea to raising $28M to creating the largest database on menopausal and perimenopausal women that exists today.

This episode covers:

  • How women's health, particularly menopause care, is an under-researched and underserved field that requires deep science and evidence-based solutions.
  • How they’re moving towards profitability by improving acquisition and engagement
  • Using strategic partnerships to expand access to care and reach a wider audience
  • How to determine pricing of a new offering that doesn’t yet exist
  • Why they allow their members to fulfill prescriptions with them, or at their own local pharmacy

Co-hosted by Halle Tecco and Michael Esquivel, Closing Time is a podcast where you, the listener, get to be a fly on the wall during a startup pitch meeting. Imagine being part of a room where passionate entrepreneurs are pitching their healthcare startups, the innovations that could very well shape the future of healthcare. This podcast allows you to do just that.