Silicon Valley Venture Capital Survey – Third Quarter 2017

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This report analyzes the terms of venture financings for 183 companies headquartered in the Silicon Valley that raised capital in the third quarter of 2017.

Overview of Results

Valuations Well Above Historical Averages
Valuation results increased substantially in Q3 2017, which followed two quarters of modest increases. Overall, valuation metrics are well above their historical average, although still off from the highs recorded in mid-2015.

Valuation Results Up but Less So for Late-Stage Companies
The Fenwick & West Venture Capital Barometer™ showed an average price increase in Q3 2017 of 80%, an increase from 64% recorded in Q2 and the highest average price increase recorded since Q3 2015.

Series B, C and D rounds all recorded stronger valuation results compared to the prior quarter, while the average price increase for Series E+ rounds declined considerably from 55% in Q2 to 19% in Q3.

Life Sciences Scores Strongest Valuation Results
In contrast to the prior quarter when its valuation metrics lagged those of the other industries, the life sciences industry recorded the strongest valuation results in Q3 2017.

Download thefull report covering top line trends for venture capital financings of Silicon Valley companies in Q3.