Fenwick Recognized for Contributions to USPTO Pro Bono Patent Program

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) awarded Fenwick with its Patent Pro Bono Achievement Certificate in recognition of the firm’s significant contributions to the agency’s Patent Pro Bono Program in 2022. The volunteer program connects patent practitioners nationwide with inventors and small businesses seeking to secure patent protection.

Fenwick was among a record number of law firms participating in the program in 2022, and volunteers helped file more than 250 patent applications with the USPTO. Fenwick is one of four law firms supporting the West Coast region through the California Inventors Assistance Program, which is administered by the California Lawyers for the Arts.

Intellectual property partner Stuart Meyer and associate Michael Saffron received practitioner recognitions for dedicating more than 50 hours to help under-resourced inventors and small businesses file for patent protections. Meyer facilitates the firm’s annual involvement in the program. Participants in 2022 included partner Stuart Meyer, associates Johnathan Chai, Malashaan Kind and Michael Saffron, patent agent Hanchel Cheng and counsel Rajendra Panwar.

Fenwick is committed to providing representation and access to justice for disadvantaged individuals and communities through its pro bono practice. The firm’s patent practice includes more than 60 experienced professionals, many with advanced degrees and business expertise, who assist innovative technology and life sciences companies in navigating the complete patent counseling and prosecution process.

Read the full USPTO press release here.