Fenwick Named Among Best Lawyers in America

Best Lawyers has recognized 33 Fenwick partners in its 2020 ed​ition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Additionally, two attorneys were honored as Lawyers of the Year for receiving the highest overall feedback in their practice area and geographic region. David Hayes was named Copyright Lawyer of the Year for San Francisco.

The following attorneys were recognized for their excellence in the 2020 edition of Best Lawyers:

Antitrust Law
Mark Ostrau

Biotechnology and Life Sciences Practice
Stephen Graham
David Tellekson

Commercial Litigation
Laurence Pulgram

Commercial Transactions / UCC Law
Mark Porter

Copyright Law
Andrew Bridges
David Hayes (Lawyer of the Year)

Corporate Law
Gordon Davidson
Robert Freedman
Stephen Graham
Cynthia Hess
Alan Smith
Mark Stevens

Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Tyler Newby
Christopher Steskal

Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Scott Spector

Information Technology Law
David Hayes
Stuart Meyer

Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law
Gordon Davidson
Mark Stevens

Litigation - Intellectual Property
Andrew Bridges
David Hayes
Laurence Pulgram
David Tellekson

Litigation – Patent
David Hayes
Jeffrey Oelke
Lynn Pasahow
Michael Sacksteder
David Tellekson

Litigation - Regulatory Enforcement (SEC, Telecom, Energy)
Michael Dicke

Litigation – Securities
Jennifer Bretan
Michael Dicke
Dean Kristy

Litigation and Controversy – Tax
James Fuller

Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Douglas Cogen
Stephen Graham
Cynthia Hess
Laird Simons III
Alan Smith

Patent Law
Michael Farn
Stephen Gillespie
David Hayes
Rajiv Patel

Securities / Capital Markets Law
Gordon Davidson
Robert Freedman
Horace Nash
Laird Simons III
Alan Smith

Securities Regulation
Gordon Davidson

Tax Law
James Fuller

Technology Law
Andrew Bridges
Gordon Davidson
Stuart Meyer
Alan Smith

Trade Secrets Law
David Hayes

Trademark Law
Sally Abel
David Hayes

Venture Capital Law
Gordon Davidson
Alan Smith

The full rankings are available through the Best Lawyers website​. Best Lawyers is a peer-reviewed publication of U.S. News Media Group.