Fenwick Achieves Mansfield Certification Plus, Also Pilots Mansfield Rule 3.0

As part of its continuing commitment to diversity and inclusion, Fenwick has achieved Mansfield Certification Plus from Diversity Lab after completing the one-year Mansfield Rule 2.0 certification program.

​​The Mansfield Rule Certification 2.0 measures whether law firms have affirmatively considered at least 30 percent women, lawyers of color, and LGBTQ+ lawyers for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities, and senior lateral positions.

Mansfield Certification Plus status indicates that in addition to meeting or exceeding the pipeline consideration requirements for certification, Fenwick has also successfully reached at least 30 percent diverse lawyer representation in a notable number of current leadership roles and committees.

In addition, Fenwick is piloting Diversity Lab’s Mansfield Rule 3.0, which will include lawyers with disabilities as well as women, lawyers of color and LGBTQ+ lawyers as part of the diverse candidate pool.

Fenwick was one of the first firms to participate in the Mansfield Rule pilot, and the Mansfield Certification Plus and Mansfield Rule 3.0 pilot reflect the firm’s long-standing commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Law360 recognized Fenwick as the number two law firm for minority attorneys among similar sized firms in its recent Diversity Snapshot, while The American Lawyer named Fenwick among the top five most diverse law firms and the firm with the highest percentage of Asian-American lawyers. The firm also received a perfect score on The Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index for its policies and practices in support of the LGBTQ+ community for the tenth consecutive year.

More information about the Mansfield Certification Plus and Mansfield Rule 3.0 is available from Diversity Lab​.​​