IT Pros Climb Out of the Basement

Brad Bonnington, Practice Support and Database Manager, and Kevin Moore, Director, Information Technology, were quoted in The Recorder article "IT Pros Climb Out of the Basement". Moore's photo was featured on the cover of the special section that housed the piece. The article addresses the growing importance for law firms to have full time IT resources to serve their clients' needs.

Bonnington and Moore are two of the leaders of a full-time team of computer technology experts at Fenwick. The team members help clients with electronic discovery during litigation and create and administer hundreds of secure extranet sites for corporate and litigation client-matters. They also collaborate with Fenwick lawyers to help clients set up information-management programs. These retention/destruction regimes help companies figure out when and how to permanently delete e-mail messages, electronic files and paper documents that have outlived any legal or business retention need.

"The clients demanded it," said Bonnington. He continued, "We needed to be a step ahead of other firms." Clients' e-discovery demands really pushed the effort forward through the years, said Moore.

"It significantly reduces cost," Bonnington said. Plus, he added, clients feel safer about their data when it's handled by the firm that's working on the company's other matters.

Through the years, Moore has been part of client pitch meetings, and his work collecting e-discovery data from companies has taken him across the country – as well as to China and Europe.​