Fenwick’s Bomi Lee Shares Career Path Insights, Advice

Fenwick corporate partner Bomi Lee talked to Law.com about her journey to making partner at Fenwick, sharing her advice and insights for associates and new attorneys.

When asked what advice she would give an associate who wants to make partner, Bomi told Law.com, “I don’t think making partner should be a goal, but rather part of a very long career trajectory. Make sure you are doing what you like to do, and that you understand what aspects of your practice you most enjoy. Then make your decisions toward doing more of that. Make sure that being partner actually enables you to do the aspects of the job that bring you energy and you find satisfying.”

Asked about the advice she would give to an associate trying to network during this time, Bomi noted, “Reach out to people and stay in touch. It’s strange, but it’s almost easier to get in contact with people now than during the pre-COVID times…. It’s important to be proactive and take initiative to make connections with your colleagues, with your clients and with your friends.”

Bomi also explains the perspective she has gained since becoming partner in 2019, noting, “I have an ownership mentality that I didn’t have as an associate…. As an owner I want to find ways to make Fenwick better as a firm, and hopefully more sustainable and diverse.”

She continued, “I think Fenwick is still at a point where we are evolving and striving to become the best version of ourselves. Even in the time I’ve been here, Fenwick has undergone a lot of strategic change, for example, expanding into the New York and Santa Monica markets and growing its San Francisco office. … That creates so much opportunity for new partners and even associates to have a voice in where we go and how we do things, and that’s what makes being at Fenwick so exciting for me.”

Bomi represents public and private companies in mergers and acquisitions and other complex strategic transactions, including investments, divestitures and carve-out transactions. She also counsels companies and their boards on a wide variety of corporate matters and has extensive experience in public and private debt financing transactions.

The full article is available on Law.com (subscription required).

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