Fenwick Talks CSR and Pro Bono with The Pro Bono Institute

Fenwick's senior director of corporate social responsibility and pro bono counsel Hilarie Atkisson was interviewed recently for The Pro Bono Institute’s podcast project, The Pro Bono Happy Hour.

She talked about the intersection of pro bono and CSR, the Justice Bus Project led by frequent Fenwick partner OneJustice, the Bay Area’s access to justice culture and Fenwick’s commitment to pro bono services, which starts with the firm leadership.

“The leadership support at Fenwick for pro bono is pretty phenomenal. It makes such a huge difference within a firm when you have leaders doing the work and sending the message that we want everybody to be involved and that it’s in our culture that this is what we do and that we give back to communities; this is who we are,” Atkisson said.

“I can’t underscore enough the difference it makes to a culture to have leaders allowing and encouraging people to do pro bono work and the general feeling within the firm when that is one of the core values.”

The full podcast is available through the Pro Bono Institute’s YouTube channel.