Fenwick Silicon Valley Gender Diversity Survey Grabs Headlines

​​Fenwick’s latest Gender Diversity Survey received coverage from Forbes, the Mercury News and Silicon Beat. Separately, the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation published a related blog written by the survey authors, corporate partners Dave Bell and Kristine Di Bacco.

Tracking two decades of women’s performance in leadership positions in Silicon Valley, the Gender Diversity Survey—2016 Proxy Season Results found a few promising trends for gender diversity among the Silicon Valley 150 and Standard & Poor’s 500, but also “many areas with room for continued improvement,” as summarized by Forbes. The publication highlighted, among other things, the report’s conclusion that bigger public companies continue to have more diverse leadership than smaller ones, with diversity scores for the 15 largest Silicon Valley firms coming close to or exceeding those of the S&P 100.

“With the number of women working at Silicon Valley companies remaining an ongoing issue, the powerhouse Mountain View law firm of Fenwick & West has issued a report on gender diversity among the region’s major companies,” reported the Mercury News, noting that the survey was released in the same week as International Women’s Day.

Silicon Beat, a Mercury News publication, covered the survey findings in detail.

The full articles can be accessed at the websites for Forbes, Silicon Beat and the Mercury News.

To download the full report, please visit Gender Diversity Survey—2016 Proxy Season Results​.