Fenwick Represents Coinbase in Acquisition of Iron Fish Team

Fenwick represented Coinbase Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: COIN), a leading provider of end-to-end financial infrastructure and technology for the cryptoeconomy, in its acquisition of the Iron Fish team. Led by Elena Nadolinski and Jason Spafford, the Iron Fish team brings a strong track record of helping onchain infrastructure builders develop privacy-preserving tools and technology that are safe, accessible and compliance-friendly. The Iron Fish blockchain and its native token will remain independent and will be maintained by the Iron Fish Foundation.

The Iron Fish team will stand up a new privacy pod and work on accelerating Coinbase’s privacy strategy by developing privacy-preserving primitives. More information can be obtained from Coinbase’s announcement.

The Fenwick team included corporate partner Bomi Lee and associates Zoe Zhang and Siobhan McGurk; and technology transactions associates Julia Arruda and Lily Rose Henein.