Summer Sessions with Earthjustice

Hosted By: Fenwick

Fenwick is thrilled to partner with Earthjustice, a premier nonprofit public interest environmental law organization, to host a four-part virtual speaker series this summer. In each session, we will cover a key area of Earthjustice's work, including Climate and Energy, Healthy Communities, and Lands, Wildlife and Oceans.

Fenwick partners with organizations like Earthjustice that are working to build a more fair, just and healthy society. We hope you join to learn more about Earthjustice and their impact as some of planet Earth's top lawyers. 

More details about each session are listed below.


June 10 | Earthjustice 101

11am-12pm PT / 2-3pm ET

This presentation introduced Earthjustice and shared an overview of the organization’s mission, vision, goals and programs. Managing Attorneys of Earthjustice’s New York and San Francisco offices provided insights on the current state of the environmental movement and how the organization uses a partnership model to litigate at every level of the judicial system, in administrative law courts, and in public utility commissions to make a positive impact for people and the planet.

  • Stacey Geis – Managing Attorney, California Office, San Francisco (Stacey will assume a new role as a Vice President of Litigation in June.)
  • Courtney Bowie – Managing Attorney, Northeast Office, New York, NY

Access the recording.


July 8 | Climate and Energy

10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET

We stand at a pivotal moment in the fight against climate catastrophe. In this presentation, Earthjustice’s Vice President of Litigation for Climate and Energy shared how Earthjustice is rising to the challenge and using the power of the law to accelerate an equitable and just transition to 100% clean, pollution-free energy.

  • Jill Tauber – Vice President of Litigation for Climate and Energy, Washington, DC

Access the recording.


August 12 | Healthy Communities

10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET

Earthjustice works in close partnership with clients and partners around the country to ensure all people have safe, toxic-free workplaces, neighborhoods, and schools and have access to safe drinking water and food. This presentation by Earthjustice’s Vice President for Healthy Communities will share some of the ways Earthjustice is making progress in efforts to secure justice for communities threatened by dangerous pollution and toxic chemicals and to build a cleaner, healthier future for all.

  • Patrice Simms – Vice President, Healthy Communities Program, Washington, DC

Access the recording.


September 9 | Lands, Wildlife and Oceans

10-11am PT / 1-2pm ET

With nearly 25% of the nation’s total climate emissions coming from fossil fuels taken from public lands and roughly one million of the Earth’s estimated eight million species threatened with extinction in coming decades, Earthjustice’s work to protect wildlands, wildlife, and waters is more critical than ever. This presentation by Earthjustice’s Vice President of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife, and Oceans will address the ways Earthjustice is working to preserve the integrity of public lands, to end the extraction of fossil fuels, and to restore ecosystems to safeguard biodiversity.

  • Drew Caputo – Vice President of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife & Oceans Program, San Francisco

Access the recording.