On December 1, 2015 a brand new set of eDiscovery-related amendments will take effect. These amendments will change the scope of discovery and create an entirely new rule for ESI spoliation (non-preservation) sanctions. In this practical webinar, you’ll learn, among other things, answers to the following questions:
- How you can use the new FRCP 37(e) to defeat your adversary’s spoliation accusations and sanctions requests?
- Who should strongly consider a privilege claw-back stipulation in light of FRE 502?
- How will FRCP 26’s new proportionality clause impact the traditional scope-of-discovery definition?
- Where in the amendments are non-ESI-centric changes?
- When in a lawsuit will new timing rules kick in and put more “meat” in FRCP 26(f) “meet and confer”?
- Why do the amendments leave some practicalities unaddressed?