Legal Ethics in the Era of Social Media, BYOD, the Cloud, Data Breaches and eDiscovery

Hosted By: Lorman Education Services

Learn the key digital-era ethical obligations and many practical compliance steps every attorney must know.

In our data-driven and threat-filled world, companies - and thus their counsel - bear increased responsibilities to protect sensitive information and not to overstep access boundaries. With law firms a prime target of hackers, now more than ever attorneys must be more vigilant than ever. States' bars and bar associations as well as the judiciary keep sprinting to issue opinions to keep up with rapidly changing technologies. This topic will drill down on some of the key modern ethical obligations placed on lawyers both day-to-day and in litigation. Learn the do's and don'ts of many 'hot topics,' including: social media ethics concerns as to opposing parties, witnesses, jurors and judges; the interplay between no-employee-privacy BYOD policies and individual workers' potential attorney-client privilege rights; reasonable care obligations as to outsourced data storage and email transmissions; and increased eDiscovery competency expectations.​​