Matt Ahn, Oracle Corporation
ClearCorrect v. USITC: Downloading Versus Importation
Ryan Casamiquela, Arnold & Porter LLP
The Role of Apportionment in Reasonable Royalty Damages Theories
Gabe Gross, Latham & Watkins LLP
Joint Infringement Following Akamai
Holly Hogan, Sidley Austin LLPM
Getting Particular" Under Section 101
Andrea Hutchison, Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Unintended Consequences: IPR Hold Ups and Market Manipulation
Deanna Kwong, Hewlett-Packard Company
Inducement - Commil and Suprema
Mike C. Lee, Cisco Systems
Anticipating the EU's Unified Patent Court
Ravi Ranganath, Fenwick & West, LLP
Claim Construction in light of Teva
Kimberly Schmitt, Intel Corporation
Current Patent Reform Bills
Emily O'Brien, Google
Practice Pointers for IPRs and CBMs