In-Depth Analysis of Global Intangibles - Silicon Valley

Hosted By: International Fiscal Association USA Branch

Please join us for a special joint program presented by the International Fiscal Association and the Tax Executives Institute, San Francisco Chapter. The program will provide an in-depth view of global intangibles. Three separate panels will discuss the following topics:

Panel 1 - Should the US adopt "intangibles box" legislation?
  • Discussion on current US proposals
  • Discussion on how the UK regime is working
  • Planning implications and opportunities
  • Lance Martin, Baker & McKenzie, Palo Alto (Chair)
  • David Cobb, Deloitte London
  • Peter Merrill, PWC, Washington

Panel 2 - OECD Activity
  • Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Report
  • Discussion on OECD developments around intangibles & permanent establishment issues
  • Planning implications and opportunities
  • Alan Shapiro, Deloitte, Washington (Chair)
  • Karen Holden, Ernst & Young, New York
  • William Skinner, Fenwick & West, Mountain View

Panel 3 - Managing Global Intangibles – current insights, valuation challenges, and recent government activity
  • Cloud
  • Ecommerce
  • Big Data
  • Channing Flynn, Ernst & Young, San Jose (Chair)
  • Lowell Yoder, McDermott Will & Emery, Chicago
  • Ian Novos, KPMG, Los Angeles
  • Matthew Chen, PwC, Washington