GCR Live: Antitrust in the Digital Economy 2024

Hosted By: Global Competition Review

The digital economy has grown two and a half times the speed of the physical economy over the last decade, according to the World Bank. This event will bring together enforcers, private practitioners, in house counsel, economists, and academics to discuss these issues in depth,

Fenwick antitrust & competition partner Thomas Ensign will participate on a panel titled, "The Merger Dimension." Many of the thought-provoking cutting-edge merger cases today involve the digital economy. Acquisitions of nascent competitors whose future presence is feared by a big tech acquirer; acquisitions that eliminate the potential grass roots entry of a big tech firm; acquisitions that fill out a big tech ecospace. This panel will both explore the legal issues and present practical commentary on how to handle mergers that challenge traditional views on demand and supply, substitutability and horizontal/vertical relationships.

  • Do the old, traditional theories of harm work — with a difference?
  • How to meet the challenge of defining markets that are two-sided?
  • Does AI tighten the relation of competition to concentration?
  • What are the new theories of harm? Are they mere speculation or are they important to protect us from new and growing power?
  • Is the digital economy interlaced with AI challenging the consumer welfare paradigm as the guide to good antitrust and merger control?