Advanced Concepts in Licensing IP and Technology

Who Should Attend

Attorneys, business executives, and others involved with complex licensing transactions

Why You Should Attend

This is a two-day seminar for the advanced practitioner whose practice involves intellectual property and technology licensing. Subjects will range from startups to advanced drafting techniques to dispute resolution. Speakers will offer concrete examples, drafting solutions and there will be a mock negotiation. We've assembled a prominent group of presenters and panelists from all over the country, including leading lawyers and judges from New York, Vancouver, British Columbia, California, Arizona and, of course, Washington. It should be a helpful CLE with plenty of meaningful discussion and real world applications.

What You Will Learn

  • The evolving role of IP from startup through established operations
  • Licensing trends and tips for responding to recent judicial decisions
  • Strategies for structuri​ng transactions involving licensing
  • UCC Article 2 implications for arising from the Internet of Things
  • General practice tips from seasoned negotiators
  • Trademark licensing and the potential conflict between protecting the mark vs. protecting the brand
  • Trade secret licensing lessons from recent cases
  • Special issues for university technology transfers
  • Special issues for transactions involving small companies
  • Dispute resolution from litigator, mediator, and judicial perspectives
  • Negotiating tips for thorny clauses