40th Global IP Confex and Law Tech Exhibition

Hosted By: Excellect KPO Consultants Private Limited

This event aims to bring together 300+ in-house counsel, law firm partners, law tech professionals, tech vendors and selected service providers. Each lawyer participant attends the event because he/she has some operational challenges to resolve such as litigation, technology, software, e-discovery, risk, security, compliance, outsourcing and more. In order to find the solutions, they not only need the learning and education, but also the meetings with right service providers. This event helps them with both.

Fenwick associate Mark Jansen will be participating in a Leadership Learning Lab titled "What are the key IP risks in the cloud, and how can they be addressed?":

The fourth industrial revolution is transforming business in United States faster and more dramatically than in almost any other region. There is one issue that clients consistently tell is their boardroom priority: digital transformation.

  • The IP landscape for companies in the U.S.
  • The jurisdiction risk – where are my data and services and what rules apply?
  • The confidentiality and security risk – is my proprietary information kept confidential and secure?
  • Trademark risks in a mobile world
  • The service provider risk – what happens if their technology infringes third party IP and I get sued?
  • Overview of trademark infringement around the globe and what future trends will be