The Stanford Ecommerce Best Practices Conference is the premier educational event for in-house counsel and practitioners in the Ecommerce industry. Leading experts from industry, legal practice and academia will address current issues facing the industry and offer practical solutions for dealing with the many legal uncertainties that arise when doing business online. The program will feature a roundtable of general counsel from leading e-commerce companies. This year’s topics include:
- The Future of Copyright and Online Media Distribution
- Protecting Information Assets in the Face of More Vexing Cyber Attacks
- Network Neutrality Update
- Patent Best Practices
- Privacy Protection in the Era of the Internet of Things
- Best Practices Regarding Innovation in Payment Systems
- Balancing Safety and Free Speech
- Best Practices in Ethical Online and Mobile Marketing
- Sticky Negotiating Issues in Enterprise Contracts
- Website Accessibility and Other Specialized Issues
- Online Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Best Practices
- Sharing Economy Best Practices
- Best Practices Checklist for Taking Your Website Global
- General Counsel Forum