Privacy & Cybersecurity

We help companies navigate novel privacy and security challenges created by our clients’ game-changing technologies and an evolving global regulatory landscape.

Privacy & Cybersecurity

We help companies navigate novel privacy and security challenges created by our clients’ game-changing technologies and an evolving global regulatory landscape.

Recognizing the critical nature of privacy, cybersecurity and data management for businesses, Fenwick has built an integrated team of lawyers and former industry privacy and cybersecurity officers who provide comprehensive compliance, assessment and legal “boutique” services focused on implementation. Our clients have included Nest, Huami, Intuit, Credit Karma, Memorial Health Systems and Facebook.

We specialize in industries where innovation is key, including technology, life sciences, ecommerce, financial services, gaming and consumer products. Our teams help clients navigate emerging and complex legal issues related to the following technologies:

  • Adtech
  • Analytics/Big Data
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Autonomous Transportation
  • Cloud/Outsourcing
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Digital/Behavioral Advertising
  • Digital Health
  • Fintech
  • Mobile/Geolocation Data
  • Social Media

Our collaborative approach includes attorneys from our intellectual property, litigation and electronic information management practices. The group’s primary services include:

Regulatory. With strong relationships among U.S. regulators and a number of former experts who served on behalf of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, we also provide assistance with regulatory investigations, enforcements and class action litigation.

Enforcement. We are working on numerous landmark cases of first impression, including the FTC’s first IoT/TV viewing data and first mobile security consent decrees and the two largest HIPAA fines/enforcements ever.

Cybersecurity and Breach Response. Members of our team have been involved in some of the largest retail, healthcare, banking, government agency, and other breaches and cybersecurity incidents. Our insight is based on experience handling cyber and breach events globally, which collectively have impacted more than one billion people.

M&A. Our specialized teams also assist with privacy and cyber in M&A and serves venture capital investing.

“The ‘super pragmatic’ team at Fenwick has strong expertise in technology, focusing on matters related to digital health, biotech and life sciences, financial services and fintech, cryptocurrency and blockchain, gaming, consumer products as well as regulatory investigation, enforcement and class action litigation.”

—The Legal 500

2020 Edition