Fenwick Alumni

Our mission is to create opportunities for you to connect and engage with current and former Fenwick attorneys, patent agents and patent engineers and to positively impact your professional life. We are excited to stay connected and share your news and updates with the rest of the alumni community. Please send our Alumni Relations Team your personal and professional news, announcements, updated contact information and feedback on how​ we can serve our alumni.


We prioritize staying connected with our alumni community and want to help you do the same. Join our community on social media, subscribe to our mailing lists or email us anytime with questions—we can’t wait to connect!


We frequently hear from our alumni that they miss engaging with their Fenwick colleagues. If you feel the same, we can keep you informed about the latest alumni movements, news and spotlights and upcoming events hosted by Fenwick and our affiliates.


When you worked at Fenwick we helped you develop skills you could leverage wherever your career might lead. As an alumnus, we will continue to positively impact your professional life through CLE programming and access to pro bono and job opportunities.